Youtube Adsense Rates - Understanding per ad rates and revenue

Over last few years, video has become the dominant method to consume content and thus has attracted a massive flow of money from advertisers that are interested in influencing audiences and promoting their product. Google was and remains the primary player in this space - it owns YouTube (the most popular video content site) as well as Adsense (the most popular advertisement network).

If you are... more

Best Google Adsense Plugin for Wordpress in 2018 - No Nonsense Guide

Google Adsense is the life line of typical wordpress blogs. To include adsesnse code snippets in the blog, typically a wordpress blog administrators uses one or other wordpress plugins. Though there are many of them and it is sometimes difficult to find the best one suited for your needs.

Here is a quick no nonsense guide to best google adsense plugins fo wordpress in 2018. more

Adsense PIN Verification 2017

Google adsense remains one of the best monetisation system for blogs and content websites. But it is not easy to get an adsense account approved and verified. Even if you have your adsense account approved, you need a PIN verification to verify your postal address. more

Google Adsense Earnings Insights 2017

Google adsense remains one of the best way to make money online in 2017. There are lot of people who report their rough adsense earnings and insights regularly. These insights give us an idea about potential of adsense and can serve as a motivation for people starting out with their own blogs and content sites.

Lot of people have been asking questions if Google adsense is still worth it in 2017 ... more

Google Adsense Account Enabled Only to Show Ads on Youtube - How to show ads on other sites

Lately lot of people have been signing up for adsense through youtube as this is one of the easiest way to get approved. But this signup only enables the so called 'hosted adsense' account and you can't show adsense ads on your blog/website.

In such cases, if you login to your adsense account, you will see following warning message:

Your AdSense account is enabled only to show ads on YouTube... more

Google Adsense Responsive Layout - How to hide sidebar ad on mobile

In a mobile first world, it is becoming very important to create responsive websites that work seamlessly on multitude of screen sizes for desktop, mobiles, and tablets. To address this problem from ads perspective, google adsense has been supporting responsive ads for sometime now. But it is not a magical solution and much work needs to be done to ensure optimum utilization of ads across ... more

Beginner Guide to Adsense Revenue Generation - Making Money from Blogs/Websites or youtube

If you are new to web monetization (urf making money from websites), advertisement or ad revenue is the life line of modern web. Lot of great web services (e.g., google search, facebook etc) are free for users. These companies make money by showing ads to users. To give you an indication of scale of money involved, most of the Google's around $75 billion revenue in 2015 came from ads.

Luckily, ... more

AMP ads for google adsense loading very slow

Lately (in Oct 2016) we have enabled amp-ads for google adsense on few of our sites. But we are continuously observing very slow ad load times and this has impacted our adsense revenue.

To put things in perspective, we have added amp pages (accelerated mobile pages) for some of our sites in july-august 2016. Since then, we have observed a steady increase in our amp traffic. Performance wise, we ... more